
Easter and Food Poisoning

We had a great Easter, until I was struck with terrible food poisoning yesterday. I was scheduled to leave for Washinton D.C. for work today but I had to cancel my trip because I was too weak to travel. I am bummed about missing my trip but I guess my health is the most important thing. Never a dull moment around here.

Now back to Easter. Hudson got lots of goodies from the Easter Bunny and he enjoyed a wild Easter Egg Hunt with some neighbors. Hudson loves his new "Cars" backpack and all of the candy. I will leave you with some pictures of our Easter adventures.


the blogivers said...

Bummer! Hope you are feeling better :)

Amanda said...

He is just precious! Hope you feel better soon.

Martin Family said...

Food poisoning?!!?!? Yuck! I hope you are feeling better. xo

Maggie Dickinson said...

Hope you feel better soon. Hudson is getting so big. How is Mav-man? I see that he still has his cone on. Poor guy.

Tiffany said...

Hope you are feeling better. Love that Easter boy - so cute!