
It's been way too long

No, I am not pregnant and I won't be for a while. Thank you very much.

Things have been so busy the past month I have abandoned my blog. The exciting news is that we have a the opportunity to lease our house for 2 years. This is exciting because it means we can get a house in Austin. We have been house hunting for the past few weeks. It has been fun but stressful and exhausting at the same time. More details to come once we have an official house under contract in Austin.

Hudson is doing great. He is talking up a storm and is starting a new preschool this summer. He is really excited about it. Hudson also has a new favorite movie, Toy Story. He is excited to go see Toy Story 3 at the movie theatre in a couple of weeks. Hudson is loving the warm (hot) weather and enjoying spending every minute he can in the pool. He is all boy.

Brad and Hudson are heading to Columbus this weekend for a getaway and Hudson and I will have a nice trip to the beach in a couple of weeks.

I will post some pictures later this week!


Maggie Dickinson said...

Yeah to a new movie! I know you were tired of watching Cars. I am getting really sick of Madagascar right now. I wish that you were coming to Columbus. Hopefully we will see you soon!

Tiffany said...

Glad everything is going well - can't wait to see the house!