
I've Been Tagged

Ok, so I am not good at this sort of thing but I have been tagged, So I will give it my best shot!! I was tagged by my best friend, Kate. I am dumb blogger and I don't know how to link it back to her. Somebody help me please!!

Here are the rules: Copy and paste the rule instructions in your post. When posting on receiving the award, make sure you include who gave you the award and link it back to them. Post five winners and link it back to them as well. Post five of your addictions. Add the award image. Let the winners know you gave them an award by leaving them a comment on their blog.

and here are my 5 Addictions!

1. Hudson
He is the most wonderful little boy in the entire world. He is a total Mama's boy and he loves to say Mama all the time. It just melts my heart. He is also one of the cutest toddlers I have ever seen, if I do say so myself. It has been so amazing watching him grow. I cannot wait for Christmas. He is going to have so much fun!

2. Cookies, Cakes and Cupcakes
I love baking these days. I find it so relaxing. I can't wait to make Christmas Cookies next week for an Office party and Cupcakes for a girls dinner. Maybe I should go eat some frosting now. YUM!

3. My Family
I have the best family! My parents and brother are amazing. We always have so much fun when we are together. And they adore their Grandson. I always laugh until I cry which is a good thing. Ever heard the saying laughter is the best medicine. My new family is pretty great too. Brad is an amazing husband and father (what more could a girl ask for). My in-laws are wonderful people. They have so much love to give and are truly genuine people. They have adopted me with open arms. I am so grateful to have a great relationship with my in-laws.

4. Wine
I love wine. I always have so much fun when drinking wine with family and friends! Brad and I went on our Honeymoon to Napa Valley and I fell in love with wine. We have a wine frig in our kitchen and we have wine from our honeymoon and wine from Italy. Alright we have some grocery store bottles in there too.

5. It's a TIE - T.V. and the Internet
I could not live without either. I love watching all my favorite shows. Gray's, Biggest Loser, The Hills, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Top Chef - just to name a few. I love reading other peoples blogs, I love email and Online Shopping. Definitely could not live with out the internet!

I Don't know who to tag, So I tag Everyone that wants to play along!

1 comment:

Maggie Dickinson said...

I am excited about the cupcakes. Would you like use of my cupcake carrier?