

Hudson has been Mr. Busy lately. He is into everyting. The other daye came out of the pantry with a big bag of chips. He also is big into trying on everyone's shoes. Below are some pictures of him with my shoes on - on the wrong feet and one is backwords. We are heading to Disney World this weekend. Pictures and tales from the trip when we get back.


Be Mine

Here are a few snapshots from Hudson's Valentine's Day Party at school earlier this week. He had a ball. He was the only child to eat all the Valentine treats that were on his plate. Then he was trying to steal cookies off of all the other kids' plates. Hudson and all of his friends exchanged Valentines. It was so cute. Tonight we are off to a Valentine Progressive Dinner Party. Our house is dessert. I will post some pictures of the desserts and the fun tomorrow. Happy Valentine's Day!



Since this is the month all about love, I thought I would post a few pictures of my two loves. I caught my boys on camera tonight dancing.Hudson was smiling and laughing. It was a treat to watch my two loves having so much fun together.



Thank you for all the swimsuit votes. I really appreciate all the input. I was sort of hoping that one suit would win the popular vote but this didn't really happen. It makes me feel like I can't go wrong on this choice. I think I have narrowed it down to two. The second was popular amoung the commenters and the first is the one I like the most before the vote. I am going to order both and try them on and then make my decision. Who knows I may not like either of them and end up going with one of the others. Now I just have to pick the color. Ahhh, choices. I will not be posting a picture of myself in the swim wear but I will post pictures of the swimsuits in the color I choose. I will also let you know the winner.

Tomorrow I will do a post about everyone's favorite 2 year old (or my favorite at least).