
Hudson's First Haircut

So we took Hudson to get his first real Haircut today. We have trimmed it ourselves a couple of times. He cried a little bit but overall he did alright. Here are some pictures of him. He looks so cute and he loved his lollipop at the end.


Amanda said...

He is so adorable!

Maggie Dickinson said...

His haircut looks very cute!

Tiffany said...

Can I have him? His little chin, his cute smile. The sweetest!

Katie & Dave said...

Colleen, He is so adorable! I am trying to get into this blogging thing - I'll see if I can keep it up. your family is so cute!

Jessica said...

Aww, so sweet! Before Pig Tails and Crew Cuts opened here, we took Taylor to Cub Cuts in Auburn just so he'd have a 'baby friendly' stylist. = )

He's adorable - 18 months...hmm... It's time for another!