I have been feeling very unmotivated lately. Maybe it is because I am exhausted all the time and I can't seem to catch up. Work has been really hectic and I have been traveling quite a bit. I want to be better about posting on the blog so I can look back on these times but I am having a hard time getting motivated. I am hoping that in the next couple weeks life will slow down a bit but I am sure that is wishful thinking.
Now that I am done complaining about exhaustion and motivation I will update you on the last couple of weeks.
We had a fantastic Easter with my extended family. It was so great to spend time with my cousins and my Aunt and Uncle. Hudson enjoyed eating the candy out of the eggs better than actually hunting for the eggs. Maybe he will get it next year.

After all the Easter fun we celebrated my Dad's Birthday with cupcakes. Hudson loves to sing the Happy Birthday Song and help blow out the candles. He loves eating the cupcakes!

This past weekend Brad and I traveled to New Orleans to celebrate the wedding of Jennifer and John. It was a fun weekend. It was great to catch up with old friends and enjoy some yummy New Orleans food. Jennifer was a beautiful bride and they day was perfect. Sadly I did not bring my camera so I have no pictures from our trip. Below is one I swiped off of facebook (sorry for the small size

I cannot believe the I am 19 weeks pregnant. Time is flying by. We are very excited for our ultrasound next week. We hope Baby Pate will reveal his/or her gender during this ultrasound. I am so excited to start planning for a little girl or another little boy. I have some nursery ideas for both. I plan to share the ideas on the blog once we know if we are team pink or blue.
More to come sooner rather than later. I hope =)